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Little Coral Fish


When I lived deep in the country side I longed to live in the big city. Now that I'm here, I can't wait to get back out into nature. Isolation is a good thing in the right dose, as is being around people. This is not to say that I want to live in suburbia. The best situation would be to live in the country within a reasonable commute to civilization. Pretty much anything other than Ubuyama, I can hack.

I think the ideal set up would be to have a house in Hokkaido, one in Okinawa, and one in Nara so that I could alternate between being able to hike, eat good food, ski, fish, and snowboard with the changing of the seasons. If I ever get really rich and end up living over here, that's what I'm going to do.

Comments (3)


such is how capitalism was born.


What happened to the sweet oceanfront condo in Hawaii, Okinawa or some other lovely tropical place? You need a cool place to scuba and babe watch, right?


Don't forget one in Oahu and one in Maui...ohh and you may want one in Santa Barbara too! How about Greece? Thailand? oh, ohhh. Zimbabwe! Yeah Zimbabwe would be nice too. =

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 1, 2005 11:27 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Janken: The Final Word.

The next post in this blog is Auto-formatting is now my Bitch (kind of).

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