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Gigapxl Project

Can you imagine having a camera that took pictures in such fine resolution (measured in gigapixels!) that you would need a special infrastructure to effectively wield it? What would you do with such awesome capabilities if you were retired and had the time and determination to create photographs of incredible scale?

For one thing, this team is traveling around America, taking awesome pictures. Another goal is to preserve all of the UNESCO World Heritage sites by capturing them on film. These pictures and the cameras that the team uses remind me of Ansel Adams.

There is no explanation on the FAQ about the macros capabilities of the camera. It would be cool if the camera could capture the miniature world of plants and insects, as well as other natural environments.

Comments (2)

My jaw actually dropped. And now I have stinky drool on my desk. Amazing.


Wow. Amazing project....and Balboa Park never looked that good in person, that's for sure!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2005 3:00 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Killing Pain.

The next post in this blog is Kumamoto Ramen Anywhere!.

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