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Bomb Has Been Planted

Sometimes in real life I slip into FPS mode, where I methodically search the environment for targets to engage. This usually switches on when I am walking down a dark hallway or alley. Luckily, no one has jumped out at me so I haven't had to shank them with my keys(and hopefully I never will have to do so).

Why do they use the term "dust box" instead of "trash/garbage can"?

The restrooms at Daikanbo provide CTs (counter-terrorists) with the schematics to perform a hostage rescue, should the need ever arise.

Comments (2)

At a guess, "dust box" is a bastardization of "dustbin." Just a guess.



That would make sense

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 15, 2004 6:09 PM.

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