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Back In The Motherland

I just stepped back into my apartment after a full day and two nights in Seoul, which I will write about later when I am not about to nod off. I just want to say thanks to everyone who made time to see me, and who did stuff to make my trip a great experience. Even repeatedly puking up partially digested medium-rare lamb and recovering for the majority of my trip home could not keep me from having a good time.

It was good to go home and to see that I was not as disconnected from everything as I had feared. Much has changed while I have been away, but the main things that I love about living in California pretty much remain the same, while my appreciation of them has grown extensively.

Much to write about, but I will wait until I am coherent enough to put together a cohesive sequence of verbage. Thanks to everyone who was there, you know who you are.

Comments (3)


even living in the states you can feel just as disconnected. it was a good trip for me as well. have fun for me in japan and one question: was the dog tasty?


It's good to hear you're recovered and happy about your trip. Sorry the lamb was not a good memory (combined with stomach flu!) and I hope that in time, you'll be able to laugh about it.
Also, thanks for all the stuff you brought over...it was a good reunion and we were happy to have you!

Chris Dempsey:

'Twas fun d00d.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 9, 2004 9:47 PM.

The previous post in this blog was SF Road Trippin.

The next post in this blog is Kagoshima Part 2.

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