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D251 On Disability

My keitai camera is now useless. Althought it can sense light, the picture is scrambled and the colors are only shades of black, white, purple, and green. It looks like a super-complex sideways histogram monitoring, in realtime, a system in flux. So I will be posting all of the remaining pictures later on this week, as a tribute to this camera. It was a great toy while it lasted...
I guess that I will now be limited to talking, emailing, browsing, keeping phone numbers, keeping a schedule, serving as a flashlight, and waking me up every morning. The modern keitai is truly a badass social swiss army knife.


(pic of Mark Fingerhut)

It seems that my camera works sorta well in dim lighting. It has been transmogrified into a night vision camera, but how I do not know... Strange.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 7, 2003 2:50 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Views On Education.

The next post in this blog is My Kumamoto Big Kahuna Burger.

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