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Jedi Mind Trick

Yo check this story from the Independent out!

I can think of some other possible scenarios in which memory can be morphed. For example, if something really bad happens to someone you didn't really like (violent rape, murdered, amputated limb, paralysis, cancer of the rectum, etc...), especially if they are unjustly killed, you are more likely to think less harshly of them. After something really bad happens, I think sympathy fucks with the mind, and can amplify the good things that a bad person has done.

So now that I am aware of this, it is time to introduce a new standard operating procedure to shield myself from committing unjust actions based on an altered memory. If a person that I don't like ends up having their colon removed, I will continue to dislike them as much as I had been. After all, if I can stop my memory from morphing, then it is my duty to take action against it. And if that person should cause me further reason to dislike them to a certain level, then I shall apply a kung-fu death grip on their colostomy bag and squeeze! On second thought, a colostomy bag is a fate horrible enough (damn! I succombed to pitying mine enemy even in this fictional scenario).

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NLP, Neurolinguistic Programming, has long been used in advertising, sometimes in a covert manner. That's why it's been good to learn this stuff....you get to understand thought manipulation and the people who use it for both good and bad motives.

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