Crazy Baby Bunnies

This entry marks the beginning of a series on a road trip that I took with my little sister and her boyfriend a few months ago:
The rabbits have been out in great numbers everywhere. They don’t seem to need much to proliferate. I’ve seen them in the grass, chaparral, and riparian habitats.
Young bunnies seem to be less spooky than the adults. This one liked to get really close, and then started spazzing out, running this way and that. I think I saw them do the same thing to coyotes on the Discovery Channel. I don’t remember why they do this, butt it reminds me of the behaviour of young humans.
If you like bunny rabbits, you might check out Daniel Chong’s short story.
I tried stewed rabbit in France, and remember it being a mild, succulent meat. Trying rabbit was one of the first times that I tried something not usually eaten in America, and this experience set me on the path to eating animals, parts of animals, and other things that I would have never been able to try had I stuck to the McDonalds diet when visiting foreign lands. I’ll take stewed rabbit over a Big Mac any day!
Doesn’t he look cute/delicious? Mmmmm. Stewed rabbit.

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